+Past Life Regression

Discover your past Visually.

What is a Past Life Vision Reading?

I go deep into the psychic vision state, and see memories of your past lives. I have seen lives in Atlantis, the Ancient Middle East, the Orient, and sometimes not even of this world.

Like the lessons you learn in life, looking into past lives is like a spiritual technology, in which the higher realms show exactly what’s needed for you at this time. To process and to work itself upon you, all for your highest good.

What is shown will vary, and is always a surprise, weather it be awe inspiring, or difficult to come to terms with, or anything else in between.

What to expect?

As I go into your past lives, I talk to you about the visions and messages I am receiving. While talking I sketch on my art board, the images I see. Sometimes I’m taken to one life, sometimes more. It really just depends on what the higher realms would like you to be aware of at this time. More often than not, I’m prompted to clear energy that still remains with you from the significant past life. While in the vision state, or what some call the quantam field, I take on the energy, I feel into it, forgive it, and clear it in the quantam.

Once I’m done I send you a private link for you to watch and download your personal video reading, full of talking and sketching, and sometimes a little bit of pendulum for it’s specific style of insight.  Also, If needed, I’ll record a short guided clearing mediation with accompanied 432hz tonal music, so you can really ground your healing into your life right now.


vision artwork

After you watch the video of your Vision Reading, you may fall in love with one of scenes or images. And if you do, it will be my pleasure to create a more detailed illustrated artwork, and bring your vision to life like the images you see below.


$65 for a 20 minute reading

$65 for a Vision Artwork

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$65 for a 20 minute reading

$45 For a vision artwork

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Past Life Training

If you want to learn how to see your past lives for yourself, or discover your own gifted psychic abilities, get in touch for a one on one training session.