Podcast Audio

Pro Audio Production & Mastering

Pro Audio Production & Mastering

Do you want your Podcast to sound as good as your favourite Podcaster? Well let me take your podcast, and make it sound amazing!

  • Get your intro sounding exciting and engaging with music and voice, in any style you want.
  • Pro sounding promo adverts with music.
  • Fix poor recordings eg. Remove room echo
  • EQ your voice recording, making it sound like you recorded in a pro room, with a pro mic.
  • Keep the volume level even and consistent throughout the whole podcast.
  • So your voice doesn’t get lost in the crowd, I Increase your podcast volume to match the recommended loudness for Spotify.
  • I’ll send you a link to download your completed professionally produced podcast file, so all you have to do is upload the audio file to Spotify, and your done!

Happy clients

June Mac - The Fully Woo Podcast

Shannon The Intuitive Guide

Shannon The Intuitive Guide

What you'll receive

  • Get your intro sounding exciting and engaging with music and voice, in any style you want.
  • Pro sounding promo adverts with music.
  • Fix poor recordings eg. Remove room echo
  • EQ your voice recording, making it sound like you recorded in a pro room, with a pro mic.
  • Keep the volume level even and consistent throughout the whole podcast.
  • So your voice doesn’t get lost in the crowd, I Increase your podcast volume to match the recommended loudness for Spotify.
  • I’ll send you a link to download your professionally produced podcast file, so all you have to do is upload your podcast to Spotify, and your done!

$120 AUD Your First Podcast

$40 AUD Follow Up Podcasts

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